creates the cardiac coordinate system within the mask and is used in HelixAngleCalc. Output is a set of vectors {radvecn, norvecc, cirvec}, being the radial, normal and circular axes of each voxel respectivley. If the option showPlot is true the output is {{radvecn, norvecc, cirvec}, plots}.
- The following options can be given:
ShowPlot False ShowPlot is an option for CentralAxes, HelixAngleCalc and CardiacCoordinateSystem. True shows the fit of the central axes and outpu the plot as extra output. LCMMethod "WallMap" LCMMethod is an option for HelixAngleCalc and LMCSytemCalc. Can be "CentralAxes" or "WallMap". "CentralAxes" uses wall distance calculation using projection of the centarl axes and circular approximation of the ventricle. This method is fairly fast and uses CentralAxes internaly. "WallMap" uses wall distance interpolation and subsequential gradient calculation. Can take long for high res datasets but is most accurate. Uses CalculateWallMap internaly. AxesMethod "Quadratic" AxesMethod is an option for HelixAngleCalc and CentralAxes and CardiacCoordinateSystem. Can be "Linear", "Quadratic", "Cubic".