allows to segment the heart in 1, 4, 6 or AHA-17 segements for each slice 360 radial samples are generated. data is a background image on which all overlays are projected. mask is the mask of the left ventricle (same as used for CentralAxes) and defines the area in which the data is sampled. off is the centerpoints generated by CentralAxes. Output is {points, slices , {rev, flip}}.
- The following options can be given:
StartPoints "Default" StartPoints is an option for CardiacSegmentGUI. Value is "Default" or the point list given by CardiacSegment. StartSlices "Default" StartSlices is an option for CardiacSegmentGUI. Value is "Default" or the list given by CardiacSegment. ReversePoints True ReversePoints is an option for LinesToSegmentIndex, CardiacSegment. Defines at which point to start, can be True or False. ReverseDirection False ReverseDirection is an option for LinesToSegmentIndex, CardiacSegment. Defines the direction of rotiation, clockwise or anti-clockwise, can be True of False.