


combines the coil signals sig. Where sig is {nCoils,...}.


combines the coil signals sig. Where sig is {nCoils, ...} and cov the complex noise correlation matrix.


combines the coil signals sig. Where sig is {nCoils, ...} and cov the complex noise correlation matrix and sense the coils sensitivitys. Possible coil combination methods are "Sum", "RootSumSqaures", "RoemerEqualNoise", "RoemerEqualSignal", "WSVD". RootSumSquares needs the signal. Can be performed with and without the noise covaricance matrix RoemerEqualNoise needs the signal and the noise covaricance matrix. Can be performed with and without the sense data, without sense data the sensisity is estimated using the singal and the RSS reconstrucntion of the signa. RoemerEqualSignal needs the signal and the noise covaricance matrix and the sense data. WSVD needs the signal and the noise covariance matrix.


  • The following options can be given:
  • Method"RoemerEqualNoise"Method is an option for various algorithm-intensive functions that specifies what internal methods they should use.
    SenseRescaleFalseSenseRescale is an option for MakeSense. If set True the data is first downscaled by a factor 2 before making the sense map.
