calculates the b0 and ph0 maps.
- The following options can be given:
DixonPrecessions 1 DixonPrecessions is an option for DixonReconstruct. Defines the rotation of the signal {-1,1} default is -1. DixonFieldStrength 3 DixonFieldStrength is an option for DixonReconstruct. Defines the fieldstrengths in Tesla on which the data was acquired. DixonNucleus "1H" DixonNucleus is an option for DixonReconstruct. Defines the nucleus for which the reconstruction is performed. DixonFrequencies {{0.}, {-3.81, -3.4, -3.12, -2.67, -2.45, -1.94, -0.63, -0.4, 0.52, 0.62}} DixonFrequencies is an option for DixonReconstruct. Defines the frequencies in ppm of the fat peaks being used. DixonAmplitudes {{1}, {0.089, 0.577, 0.059, 0.093, 0.059, 0.013, 0.02, 0.02, 0.01, 0.059}} DixonAmplitudes is an option for DixonReconstruct. Defines the relative amplitudes of the fat peaks being used. MonitorCalc False MonitorCalc is an option for many processing functions. When true the proceses of the calculation is shown. UnwrapDimension "3D" UnwrapDimension is an option for Unwrap. Can be "2D" or "3D". 2D is for unwarpping 2D images or unwrapping the individual images from a 3D dataset (does not unwrap in the slice direction). 3D unwraps a 3D dataset in all dimensions. MaxIterations 15 MaxIterations is an option that specifies the maximum number of iterations that should be tried in various built-in functions and algorithms. PhaseEchos Automatic PhaseEchos is an option for DixonPhase. Can be Automatic or a list of two integers.