calculates the IVIM fit. data should be 1D ,2D, 3D or 4D. binp should be full bmatrix which can be calculated from the bvecs en bvals using Bmatrix with the bvalues in s/mm^2. init should are the initialization parameters for 2 components this is {s0, f, D, Dp} for 3 componentes this is {s0, f1, f2, D, Dp1, Dp2}. The fraction is defined between 0 and 1, the D, Dp, Dp1 and Dp2 is in mm^2/s. output is {s0, f1, D, pD1} or {s0, f1, f2, D, pD1, pD2}.
- The following options can be given:
Method Automatic Method is an option for various algorithm-intensive functions that specifies what internal methods they should use. Parallelize True Parallelize[expr] evaluates expr using automatic parallelization. MonitorIVIMCalc True MonitorIVIMCalc is an option for IVIMCalc. When true the proceses of the calculation is shown. IVIMFixed False IVIMFixed is an option for IVIMCalc and the default value is False. When set True the pseudo diffusion wil be fixed to the parameter given as init. When set to "One" only the fast component of a 3 compartment fit is fixed. IVIMConstrained True IVIMConstrained is an option for IVIMCalc. When set True the fit wil be constrained to the values given in IVIMConstrains. IVIMTensFit False IVIMTensFit is an option for IVIMCalc. When set True the tissue diffusion component wil be calculated as a tensor. IVIMComponents 2 IVIMComponents is an option for IVIMCalc. Default value is 2, the tissue and the blood component. can also be set to 3. IVIMConstrains {{0.8, 1.2}, {0, 1}, {0.0005, 0.0035}, {0.001, 0.5}, {0.001, 0.5}} IVIMConstrains is an option for IVIMCalc. Default values are: {{0.8, 1.2}, {0, 1}, {0.0005, 0.0035}, {0.005, 0.5}, {0.002, 0.015}}. Where {{s0 in percentage},{fractions},{tissue diffusion},{blood compartment Dp},{third compartment}}.
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