Standardized in QMRITools
Muscle segmentation naming
Since most labs tipically have their own coding for their muscle segmentations converting between the labels can be challenging and prone to error. Therefore here we propose a common muscle coding that can serve as a translation between coding systems. The coding contains 6 numbers.
- the first number indicates the location (here upper or lower limb)
- the second number indicates which region of the limb (e.g. upper arm or forearm)
- the third number indicates the muscle compartment (e.g. the anterior superficial compartment of the forearm)
- the forth number indicates the muscle (e.g. the Gastrocnemius muscle)
- the fifth number indicates the muscle heads if there are any (e.g. the Gastrocnemius medial head)
- the sixth and last number indicates the side (e.g. both, left, or right)
By looking at the code on can understand if it refers to a limb, muscle group or a muscle. Furthermore it facilitates translation of muscle labels. Instead of providing label translation from each lab to another each time it is needed each lab can specify their translation of the labels to the common labeling only once.
If you are looking for images of each muscle please take a look here where we provide images of all muscles of the upper and lower limb free to use.
The muscle code table
Code | Full name | Side | Limb | Part | Group | Muscle | Muscle Head/Part |
100000 | Upper_Limb_Both | Both | UpperLimb | ||||
100001 | Upper_Limb_Left | Left | UpperLimb | ||||
100002 | Upper_Limb_Right | Right | UpperLimb | ||||
110000 | Forearm_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Forearm | |||
110001 | Forearm_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Forearm | |||
110002 | Forearm_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Forearm | |||
111000 | Forearm_Anterior_Superficial_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Forearm | AnteriorSuperficial | ||
111001 | Forearm_Anterior_Superficial_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Forearm | AnteriorSuperficial | ||
111002 | Forearm_Anterior_Superficial_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Forearm | AnteriorSuperficial | ||
111100 | Flexor_Carpi_Ulnaris_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Forearm | AnteriorSuperficial | FlexorCarpiUlnaris | |
111101 | Flexor_Carpi_Ulnaris_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Forearm | AnteriorSuperficial | FlexorCarpiUlnaris | |
111102 | Flexor_Carpi_Ulnaris_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Forearm | AnteriorSuperficial | FlexorCarpiUlnaris | |
111110 | Flexor_Carpi_Ulnaris_Ulnar_Head_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Forearm | AnteriorSuperficial | FlexorCarpiUlnaris | FlexorCarpiUlnarisUlnarHead |
111111 | Flexor_Carpi_Ulnaris_Ulnar_Head_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Forearm | AnteriorSuperficial | FlexorCarpiUlnaris | FlexorCarpiUlnarisUlnarHead |
111112 | Flexor_Carpi_Ulnaris_Ulnar_Head_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Forearm | AnteriorSuperficial | FlexorCarpiUlnaris | FlexorCarpiUlnarisUlnarHead |
111120 | Flexor_Carpi_Ulnaris_Humeral_Head_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Forearm | AnteriorSuperficial | FlexorCarpiUlnaris | FlexorCarpiUlnarisHumeralHead |
111121 | Flexor_Carpi_Ulnaris_Humeral_Head_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Forearm | AnteriorSuperficial | FlexorCarpiUlnaris | FlexorCarpiUlnarisHumeralHead |
111122 | Flexor_Carpi_Ulnaris_Humeral_Head_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Forearm | AnteriorSuperficial | FlexorCarpiUlnaris | FlexorCarpiUlnarisHumeralHead |
111200 | Flexor_Digitorum_Superficialis_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Forearm | AnteriorSuperficial | FlexorDigitorumSuperficialis | |
111201 | Flexor_Digitorum_Superficialis_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Forearm | AnteriorSuperficial | FlexorDigitorumSuperficialis | |
111202 | Flexor_Digitorum_Superficialis_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Forearm | AnteriorSuperficial | FlexorDigitorumSuperficialis | |
111210 | Flexor_Digitorum_Superficialis_Radial_Head_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Forearm | AnteriorSuperficial | FlexorDigitorumSuperficialis | FlexorDigitorumSuperficialisRadialHead |
111211 | Flexor_Digitorum_Superficialis_Radial_Head_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Forearm | AnteriorSuperficial | FlexorDigitorumSuperficialis | FlexorDigitorumSuperficialisRadialHead |
111212 | Flexor_Digitorum_Superficialis_Radial_Head_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Forearm | AnteriorSuperficial | FlexorDigitorumSuperficialis | FlexorDigitorumSuperficialisRadialHead |
111220 | Flexor_Digitorum_Superficialis_Humeral_Head_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Forearm | AnteriorSuperficial | FlexorDigitorumSuperficialis | FlexorDigitorumSuperficialisHumeralHead |
111221 | Flexor_Digitorum_Superficialis_Humeral_Head_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Forearm | AnteriorSuperficial | FlexorDigitorumSuperficialis | FlexorDigitorumSuperficialisHumeralHead |
111222 | Flexor_Digitorum_Superficialis_Humeral_Head_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Forearm | AnteriorSuperficial | FlexorDigitorumSuperficialis | FlexorDigitorumSuperficialisHumeralHead |
111300 | Palmaris_Longus_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Forearm | AnteriorSuperficial | PalmarisLongus | |
111301 | Palmaris_Longus_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Forearm | AnteriorSuperficial | PalmarisLongus | |
111302 | Palmaris_Longus_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Forearm | AnteriorSuperficial | PalmarisLongus | |
111400 | Flexor_Carpi_Radialis_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Forearm | AnteriorSuperficial | FlexorCarpiRadialis | |
111401 | Flexor_Carpi_Radialis_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Forearm | AnteriorSuperficial | FlexorCarpiRadialis | |
111402 | Flexor_Carpi_Radialis_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Forearm | AnteriorSuperficial | FlexorCarpiRadialis | |
111500 | Pronator_Teres_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Forearm | AnteriorSuperficial | PronatorTeres | |
111501 | Pronator_Teres_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Forearm | AnteriorSuperficial | PronatorTeres | |
111502 | Pronator_Teres_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Forearm | AnteriorSuperficial | PronatorTeres | |
112000 | Forearm_Anterior_Deep_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Forearm | AnteriorDeep | ||
112001 | Forearm_Anterior_Deep_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Forearm | AnteriorDeep | ||
112002 | Forearm_Anterior_Deep_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Forearm | AnteriorDeep | ||
112100 | Flexor_Pollicis_Longus_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Forearm | AnteriorDeep | FlexorPollicisLongus | |
112101 | Flexor_Pollicis_Longus_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Forearm | AnteriorDeep | FlexorPollicisLongus | |
112102 | Flexor_Pollicis_Longus_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Forearm | AnteriorDeep | FlexorPollicisLongus | |
112200 | Flexor_Digitorum_Profundus_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Forearm | AnteriorDeep | FlexorDigitorumProfundus | |
112201 | Flexor_Digitorum_Profundus_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Forearm | AnteriorDeep | FlexorDigitorumProfundus | |
112202 | Flexor_Digitorum_Profundus_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Forearm | AnteriorDeep | FlexorDigitorumProfundus | |
112300 | Pronator_Quadratus_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Forearm | AnteriorDeep | PronatorQuadratus | |
112301 | Pronator_Quadratus_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Forearm | AnteriorDeep | PronatorQuadratus | |
112302 | Pronator_Quadratus_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Forearm | AnteriorDeep | PronatorQuadratus | |
113000 | Forearm_Posterior_Superficial_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Forearm | PosteriorSuperficial | ||
113001 | Forearm_Posterior_Superficial_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Forearm | PosteriorSuperficial | ||
113002 | Forearm_Posterior_Superficial_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Forearm | PosteriorSuperficial | ||
113100 | Extensor_Carpi_Radialis_Brevis_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Forearm | PosteriorSuperficial | ExtensorCarpiRadialisBrevis | |
113101 | Extensor_Carpi_Radialis_Brevis_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Forearm | PosteriorSuperficial | ExtensorCarpiRadialisBrevis | |
113102 | Extensor_Carpi_Radialis_Brevis_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Forearm | PosteriorSuperficial | ExtensorCarpiRadialisBrevis | |
113200 | Extensor_Carpi_Radialis_Longus_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Forearm | PosteriorSuperficial | ExtensorCarpiRadialisLongus | |
113201 | Extensor_Carpi_Radialis_Longus_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Forearm | PosteriorSuperficial | ExtensorCarpiRadialisLongus | |
113202 | Extensor_Carpi_Radialis_Longus_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Forearm | PosteriorSuperficial | ExtensorCarpiRadialisLongus | |
113300 | Extensor_Digitorum_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Forearm | PosteriorSuperficial | ExtensorDigitorum | |
113301 | Extensor_Digitorum_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Forearm | PosteriorSuperficial | ExtensorDigitorum | |
113302 | Extensor_Digitorum_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Forearm | PosteriorSuperficial | ExtensorDigitorum | |
113400 | Extensor_Carpi_Ulnaris_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Forearm | PosteriorSuperficial | ExtensorCarpiUlnaris | |
113401 | Extensor_Carpi_Ulnaris_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Forearm | PosteriorSuperficial | ExtensorCarpiUlnaris | |
113402 | Extensor_Carpi_Ulnaris_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Forearm | PosteriorSuperficial | ExtensorCarpiUlnaris | |
113500 | Extensor_Digiti_Minimi_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Forearm | PosteriorSuperficial | ExtensorDigitiMinimi | |
113501 | Extensor_Digiti_Minimi_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Forearm | PosteriorSuperficial | ExtensorDigitiMinimi | |
113502 | Extensor_Digiti_Minimi_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Forearm | PosteriorSuperficial | ExtensorDigitiMinimi | |
113600 | Anconeus_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Forearm | PosteriorSuperficial | Anconeus | |
113601 | Anconeus_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Forearm | PosteriorSuperficial | Anconeus | |
113602 | Anconeus_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Forearm | PosteriorSuperficial | Anconeus | |
114000 | Forearm_Posterior_Deep_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Forearm | PosteriorDeep | ||
114001 | Forearm_Posterior_Deep_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Forearm | PosteriorDeep | ||
114002 | Forearm_Posterior_Deep_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Forearm | PosteriorDeep | ||
114100 | Supinator_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Forearm | PosteriorDeep | Supinator | |
114101 | Supinator_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Forearm | PosteriorDeep | Supinator | |
114102 | Supinator_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Forearm | PosteriorDeep | Supinator | |
114200 | Abductor_Pollicis_Longus_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Forearm | PosteriorDeep | AbductorPollicisLongus | |
114201 | Abductor_Pollicis_Longus_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Forearm | PosteriorDeep | AbductorPollicisLongus | |
114202 | Abductor_Pollicis_Longus_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Forearm | PosteriorDeep | AbductorPollicisLongus | |
114300 | Extensor_Pollicis_Brevis_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Forearm | PosteriorDeep | ExtensorPollicisBrevis | |
114301 | Extensor_Pollicis_Brevis_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Forearm | PosteriorDeep | ExtensorPollicisBrevis | |
114302 | Extensor_Pollicis_Brevis_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Forearm | PosteriorDeep | ExtensorPollicisBrevis | |
114400 | Extensor_Pollicis_Longus_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Forearm | PosteriorDeep | ExtensorPollicisLongus | |
114401 | Extensor_Pollicis_Longus_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Forearm | PosteriorDeep | ExtensorPollicisLongus | |
114402 | Extensor_Pollicis_Longus_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Forearm | PosteriorDeep | ExtensorPollicisLongus | |
114500 | Extensor_Indicis_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Forearm | PosteriorDeep | ExtensorIndicis | |
114501 | Extensor_Indicis_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Forearm | PosteriorDeep | ExtensorIndicis | |
114502 | Extensor_Indicis_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Forearm | PosteriorDeep | ExtensorIndicis | |
120000 | Arm_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Arm | |||
120001 | Arm_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Arm | |||
120002 | Arm_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Arm | |||
121000 | Arm_Anterior_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Arm | Anterior | ||
121001 | Arm_Anterior_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Arm | Anterior | ||
121002 | Arm_Anterior_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Arm | Anterior | ||
121100 | Biceps_Brachii_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Arm | Anterior | BicepsBrachii | |
121101 | Biceps_Brachii_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Arm | Anterior | BicepsBrachii | |
121102 | Biceps_Brachii_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Arm | Anterior | BicepsBrachii | |
121110 | Biceps_Brachii_Long_Head_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Arm | Anterior | BicepsBrachii | BicepsBrachiiLongHead |
121111 | Biceps_Brachii_Long_Head_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Arm | Anterior | BicepsBrachii | BicepsBrachiiLongHead |
121112 | Biceps_Brachii_Long_Head_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Arm | Anterior | BicepsBrachii | BicepsBrachiiLongHead |
121120 | Biceps_Brachii_Short_Head_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Arm | Anterior | BicepsBrachii | BicepsBrachiiShortHead |
121121 | Biceps_Brachii_Short_Head_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Arm | Anterior | BicepsBrachii | BicepsBrachiiShortHead |
121122 | Biceps_Brachii_Short_Head_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Arm | Anterior | BicepsBrachii | BicepsBrachiiShortHead |
121200 | Coracobrachialis_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Arm | Anterior | Coracobrachialis | |
121201 | Coracobrachialis_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Arm | Anterior | Coracobrachialis | |
121202 | Coracobrachialis_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Arm | Anterior | Coracobrachialis | |
121300 | Brachialis_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Arm | Anterior | Brachialis | |
121301 | Brachialis_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Arm | Anterior | Brachialis | |
121302 | Brachialis_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Arm | Anterior | Brachialis | |
122000 | Arm_Posterior_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Arm | Posterior | ||
122001 | Arm_Posterior_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Arm | Posterior | ||
122002 | Arm_Posterior_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Arm | Posterior | ||
122100 | Triceps_Brachii_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Arm | Posterior | TricepsBrachii | |
122101 | Triceps_Brachii_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Arm | Posterior | TricepsBrachii | |
122102 | Triceps_Brachii_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Arm | Posterior | TricepsBrachii | |
122110 | Triceps_Brachii_Lateral_Head_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Arm | Posterior | TricepsBrachii | TricepsBrachiiLateralHead |
122111 | Triceps_Brachii_Lateral_Head_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Arm | Posterior | TricepsBrachii | TricepsBrachiiLateralHead |
122112 | Triceps_Brachii_Lateral_Head_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Arm | Posterior | TricepsBrachii | TricepsBrachiiLateralHead |
122120 | Triceps_Brachii_Medial_Head_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Arm | Posterior | TricepsBrachii | TricepsBrachiiMedialHead |
122121 | Triceps_Brachii_Medial_Head_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Arm | Posterior | TricepsBrachii | TricepsBrachiiMedialHead |
122122 | Triceps_Brachii_Medial_Head_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Arm | Posterior | TricepsBrachii | TricepsBrachiiMedialHead |
122130 | Triceps_Brachii_Long_Head_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Arm | Posterior | TricepsBrachii | TricepsBrachiiLongHead |
122131 | Triceps_Brachii_Long_Head_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Arm | Posterior | TricepsBrachii | TricepsBrachiiLongHead |
122132 | Triceps_Brachii_Long_Head_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Arm | Posterior | TricepsBrachii | TricepsBrachiiLongHead |
130000 | Shoulder_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Shoulder | |||
130001 | Shoulder_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Shoulder | |||
130002 | Shoulder_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Shoulder | |||
131000 | Shoulder_Posterior_Extrinsic_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Shoulder | PosteriorExtrinsic | ||
131001 | Shoulder_Posterior_Extrinsic_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Shoulder | PosteriorExtrinsic | ||
131002 | Shoulder_Posterior_Extrinsic_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Shoulder | PosteriorExtrinsic | ||
131100 | Trapezius_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Shoulder | PosteriorExtrinsic | Trapezius | |
131101 | Trapezius_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Shoulder | PosteriorExtrinsic | Trapezius | |
131102 | Trapezius_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Shoulder | PosteriorExtrinsic | Trapezius | |
131200 | Latissimus_Dorsi_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Shoulder | PosteriorExtrinsic | LatissimusDorsi | |
131201 | Latissimus_Dorsi_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Shoulder | PosteriorExtrinsic | LatissimusDorsi | |
131202 | Latissimus_Dorsi_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Shoulder | PosteriorExtrinsic | LatissimusDorsi | |
131300 | Levator_Scapulae_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Shoulder | PosteriorExtrinsic | LevatorScapulae | |
131301 | Levator_Scapulae_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Shoulder | PosteriorExtrinsic | LevatorScapulae | |
131302 | Levator_Scapulae_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Shoulder | PosteriorExtrinsic | LevatorScapulae | |
131400 | Rhomboids_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Shoulder | PosteriorExtrinsic | Rhomboids | |
131401 | Rhomboids_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Shoulder | PosteriorExtrinsic | Rhomboids | |
131402 | Rhomboids_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Shoulder | PosteriorExtrinsic | Rhomboids | |
131410 | Rhomboid_Minor_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Shoulder | PosteriorExtrinsic | Rhomboids | RhomboidMinor |
131411 | Rhomboid_Minor_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Shoulder | PosteriorExtrinsic | Rhomboids | RhomboidMinor |
131412 | Rhomboid_Minor_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Shoulder | PosteriorExtrinsic | Rhomboids | RhomboidMinor |
131420 | Rhomboid_Major_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Shoulder | PosteriorExtrinsic | Rhomboids | RhomboidMajor |
131421 | Rhomboid_Major_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Shoulder | PosteriorExtrinsic | Rhomboids | RhomboidMajor |
131422 | Rhomboid_Major_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Shoulder | PosteriorExtrinsic | Rhomboids | RhomboidMajor |
132000 | Shoulder_Posterior_Intrinsic_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Shoulder | PosteriorIntrinsic | ||
132001 | Shoulder_Posterior_Intrinsic_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Shoulder | PosteriorIntrinsic | ||
132002 | Shoulder_Posterior_Intrinsic_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Shoulder | PosteriorIntrinsic | ||
132100 | Deltoid_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Shoulder | PosteriorIntrinsic | Deltoid | |
132101 | Deltoid_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Shoulder | PosteriorIntrinsic | Deltoid | |
132102 | Deltoid_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Shoulder | PosteriorIntrinsic | Deltoid | |
132110 | Deltoid_Clavicular_Part_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Shoulder | PosteriorIntrinsic | Deltoid | DeltoidClavicularPart |
132111 | Deltoid_Clavicular_Part_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Shoulder | PosteriorIntrinsic | Deltoid | DeltoidClavicularPart |
132112 | Deltoid_Clavicular_Part_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Shoulder | PosteriorIntrinsic | Deltoid | DeltoidClavicularPart |
132120 | Deltoid_Acromial_Part_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Shoulder | PosteriorIntrinsic | Deltoid | DeltoidAcromialPart |
132121 | Deltoid_Acromial_Part_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Shoulder | PosteriorIntrinsic | Deltoid | DeltoidAcromialPart |
132122 | Deltoid_Acromial_Part_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Shoulder | PosteriorIntrinsic | Deltoid | DeltoidAcromialPart |
132130 | Deltoid_Scapular_Part_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Shoulder | PosteriorIntrinsic | Deltoid | DeltoidScapularPart |
132131 | Deltoid_Scapular_Part_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Shoulder | PosteriorIntrinsic | Deltoid | DeltoidScapularPart |
132132 | Deltoid_Scapular_Part_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Shoulder | PosteriorIntrinsic | Deltoid | DeltoidScapularPart |
132200 | Rotator_Cuff_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Shoulder | PosteriorIntrinsic | RotatorCuff | |
132201 | Rotator_Cuff_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Shoulder | PosteriorIntrinsic | RotatorCuff | |
132202 | Rotator_Cuff_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Shoulder | PosteriorIntrinsic | RotatorCuff | |
132210 | Supraspinatus_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Shoulder | PosteriorIntrinsic | RotatorCuff | Supraspinatus |
132211 | Supraspinatus_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Shoulder | PosteriorIntrinsic | RotatorCuff | Supraspinatus |
132212 | Supraspinatus_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Shoulder | PosteriorIntrinsic | RotatorCuff | Supraspinatus |
132220 | Infraspinatus_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Shoulder | PosteriorIntrinsic | RotatorCuff | Infraspinatus |
132221 | Infraspinatus_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Shoulder | PosteriorIntrinsic | RotatorCuff | Infraspinatus |
132222 | Infraspinatus_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Shoulder | PosteriorIntrinsic | RotatorCuff | Infraspinatus |
132230 | Subscapularis_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Shoulder | PosteriorIntrinsic | RotatorCuff | Subscapularis |
132231 | Subscapularis_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Shoulder | PosteriorIntrinsic | RotatorCuff | Subscapularis |
132232 | Subscapularis_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Shoulder | PosteriorIntrinsic | RotatorCuff | Subscapularis |
132240 | Teres_Minor_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Shoulder | PosteriorIntrinsic | RotatorCuff | TeresMinor |
132241 | Teres_Minor_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Shoulder | PosteriorIntrinsic | RotatorCuff | TeresMinor |
132242 | Teres_Minor_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Shoulder | PosteriorIntrinsic | RotatorCuff | TeresMinor |
132300 | Teres_Major_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Shoulder | PosteriorIntrinsic | TeresMajor | |
132301 | Teres_Major_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Shoulder | PosteriorIntrinsic | TeresMajor | |
132302 | Teres_Major_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Shoulder | PosteriorIntrinsic | TeresMajor | |
133000 | Shoulder_Anterior_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Shoulder | Anterior | ||
133001 | Shoulder_Anterior_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Shoulder | Anterior | ||
133002 | Shoulder_Anterior_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Shoulder | Anterior | ||
133100 | Pectoralis_Major_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Shoulder | Anterior | PectoralisMajor | |
133101 | Pectoralis_Major_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Shoulder | Anterior | PectoralisMajor | |
133102 | Pectoralis_Major_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Shoulder | Anterior | PectoralisMajor | |
133110 | Pectoralis_Major_Abdominal_Part_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Shoulder | Anterior | PectoralisMajor | PectoralisMajorAbdominalPart |
133111 | Pectoralis_Major_Abdominal_Part_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Shoulder | Anterior | PectoralisMajor | PectoralisMajorAbdominalPart |
133112 | Pectoralis_Major_Abdominal_Part_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Shoulder | Anterior | PectoralisMajor | PectoralisMajorAbdominalPart |
133120 | Pectoralis_Major_Sternocostal_Part_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Shoulder | Anterior | PectoralisMajor | PectoralisMajorSternocostalPart |
133121 | Pectoralis_Major_Sternocostal_Part_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Shoulder | Anterior | PectoralisMajor | PectoralisMajorSternocostalPart |
133122 | Pectoralis_Major_Sternocostal_Part_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Shoulder | Anterior | PectoralisMajor | PectoralisMajorSternocostalPart |
133130 | Pectoralis_Major_Clavicular_Part_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Shoulder | Anterior | PectoralisMajor | PectoralisMajorClavicularPart |
133131 | Pectoralis_Major_Clavicular_Part_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Shoulder | Anterior | PectoralisMajor | PectoralisMajorClavicularPart |
133132 | Pectoralis_Major_Clavicular_Part_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Shoulder | Anterior | PectoralisMajor | PectoralisMajorClavicularPart |
133200 | Pectoralis_Minor_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Shoulder | Anterior | PectoralisMinor | |
133201 | Pectoralis_Minor_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Shoulder | Anterior | PectoralisMinor | |
133202 | Pectoralis_Minor_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Shoulder | Anterior | PectoralisMinor | |
133300 | Serratus_Anterior_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Shoulder | Anterior | SerratusAnterior | |
133301 | Serratus_Anterior_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Shoulder | Anterior | SerratusAnterior | |
133302 | Serratus_Anterior_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Shoulder | Anterior | SerratusAnterior | |
133400 | Subclavius_Both | Both | UpperLimb | Shoulder | Anterior | Subclavius | |
133401 | Subclavius_Left | Left | UpperLimb | Shoulder | Anterior | Subclavius | |
133402 | Subclavius_Right | Right | UpperLimb | Shoulder | Anterior | Subclavius | |
200000 | Lower_Limb_Both | Both | LowerLimb | ||||
200001 | Lower_Limb_Left | Left | LowerLimb | ||||
200002 | Lower_Limb_Right | Right | LowerLimb | ||||
210000 | Leg_Both | Both | LowerLimb | Leg | |||
210001 | Leg_Left | Left | LowerLimb | Leg | |||
210002 | Leg_Right | Right | LowerLimb | Leg | |||
211000 | Leg_Superficial_Posterior_Both | Both | LowerLimb | Leg | SuperficialPosterior | ||
211001 | Leg_Superficial_Posterior_Left | Left | LowerLimb | Leg | SuperficialPosterior | ||
211002 | Leg_Superficial_Posterior_Right | Right | LowerLimb | Leg | SuperficialPosterior | ||
211100 | Gastrocnemius_Both | Both | LowerLimb | Leg | SuperficialPosterior | Gastrocnemius | |
211101 | Gastrocnemius_Left | Left | LowerLimb | Leg | SuperficialPosterior | Gastrocnemius | |
211102 | Gastrocnemius_Right | Right | LowerLimb | Leg | SuperficialPosterior | Gastrocnemius | |
211110 | Gastrocnemius_Lateral_Head_Both | Both | LowerLimb | Leg | SuperficialPosterior | Gastrocnemius | GastrocnemiusLateralHead |
211111 | Gastrocnemius_Lateral_Head_Left | Left | LowerLimb | Leg | SuperficialPosterior | Gastrocnemius | GastrocnemiusLateralHead |
211112 | Gastrocnemius_Lateral_Head_Right | Right | LowerLimb | Leg | SuperficialPosterior | Gastrocnemius | GastrocnemiusLateralHead |
211120 | Gastrocnemius_Medial_Head_Both | Both | LowerLimb | Leg | SuperficialPosterior | Gastrocnemius | GastrocnemiusMedialHead |
211121 | Gastrocnemius_Medial_Head_Left | Left | LowerLimb | Leg | SuperficialPosterior | Gastrocnemius | GastrocnemiusMedialHead |
211122 | Gastrocnemius_Medial_Head_Right | Right | LowerLimb | Leg | SuperficialPosterior | Gastrocnemius | GastrocnemiusMedialHead |
211200 | Soleus_Both | Both | LowerLimb | Leg | SuperficialPosterior | Soleus | |
211201 | Soleus_Left | Left | LowerLimb | Leg | SuperficialPosterior | Soleus | |
211202 | Soleus_Right | Right | LowerLimb | Leg | SuperficialPosterior | Soleus | |
211300 | Plantaris_Both | Both | LowerLimb | Leg | SuperficialPosterior | Plantaris | |
211301 | Plantaris_Left | Left | LowerLimb | Leg | SuperficialPosterior | Plantaris | |
211302 | Plantaris_Right | Right | LowerLimb | Leg | SuperficialPosterior | Plantaris | |
212000 | Leg_Deep_Posterior_Both | Both | LowerLimb | Leg | DeepPosterior | ||
212001 | Leg_Deep_Posterior_Left | Left | LowerLimb | Leg | DeepPosterior | ||
212002 | Leg_Deep_Posterior_Right | Right | LowerLimb | Leg | DeepPosterior | ||
212100 | Popliteus_Both | Both | LowerLimb | Leg | DeepPosterior | Popliteus | |
212101 | Popliteus_Left | Left | LowerLimb | Leg | DeepPosterior | Popliteus | |
212102 | Popliteus_Right | Right | LowerLimb | Leg | DeepPosterior | Popliteus | |
212200 | Flexor_Digitorum_Longus_Both | Both | LowerLimb | Leg | DeepPosterior | FlexorDigitorumLongus | |
212201 | Flexor_Digitorum_Longus_Left | Left | LowerLimb | Leg | DeepPosterior | FlexorDigitorumLongus | |
212202 | Flexor_Digitorum_Longus_Right | Right | LowerLimb | Leg | DeepPosterior | FlexorDigitorumLongus | |
212300 | Flexor_Hallucis_Longus_Both | Both | LowerLimb | Leg | DeepPosterior | FlexorHallucisLongus | |
212301 | Flexor_Hallucis_Longus_Left | Left | LowerLimb | Leg | DeepPosterior | FlexorHallucisLongus | |
212302 | Flexor_Hallucis_Longus_Right | Right | LowerLimb | Leg | DeepPosterior | FlexorHallucisLongus | |
212400 | Tibialis_Posterior_Both | Both | LowerLimb | Leg | DeepPosterior | TibialisPosterior | |
212401 | Tibialis_Posterior_Left | Left | LowerLimb | Leg | DeepPosterior | TibialisPosterior | |
212402 | Tibialis_Posterior_Right | Right | LowerLimb | Leg | DeepPosterior | TibialisPosterior | |
213000 | Leg_Lateral_Both | Both | LowerLimb | Leg | Lateral | ||
213001 | Leg_Lateral_Left | Left | LowerLimb | Leg | Lateral | ||
213002 | Leg_Lateral_Right | Right | LowerLimb | Leg | Lateral | ||
213100 | Fibularis_Longus_Both | Both | LowerLimb | Leg | Lateral | FibularisLongus | |
213101 | Fibularis_Longus_Left | Left | LowerLimb | Leg | Lateral | FibularisLongus | |
213102 | Fibularis_Longus_Right | Right | LowerLimb | Leg | Lateral | FibularisLongus | |
213200 | Fibularis_Brevis_Both | Both | LowerLimb | Leg | Lateral | FibularisBrevis | |
213201 | Fibularis_Brevis_Left | Left | LowerLimb | Leg | Lateral | FibularisBrevis | |
213202 | Fibularis_Brevis_Right | Right | LowerLimb | Leg | Lateral | FibularisBrevis | |
214000 | Leg_Anterior_Both | Both | LowerLimb | Leg | Anterior | ||
214001 | Leg_Anterior_Left | Left | LowerLimb | Leg | Anterior | ||
214002 | Leg_Anterior_Right | Right | LowerLimb | Leg | Anterior | ||
214100 | Tibialis_Anterior_Both | Both | LowerLimb | Leg | Anterior | TibialisAnterior | |
214101 | Tibialis_Anterior_Left | Left | LowerLimb | Leg | Anterior | TibialisAnterior | |
214102 | Tibialis_Anterior_Right | Right | LowerLimb | Leg | Anterior | TibialisAnterior | |
214200 | Extensor_Digitorum_Longus_Both | Both | LowerLimb | Leg | Anterior | ExtensorDigitorumLongus | |
214201 | Extensor_Digitorum_Longus_Left | Left | LowerLimb | Leg | Anterior | ExtensorDigitorumLongus | |
214202 | Extensor_Digitorum_Longus_Right | Right | LowerLimb | Leg | Anterior | ExtensorDigitorumLongus | |
214300 | Extensor_Hallucis_Longus_Both | Both | LowerLimb | Leg | Anterior | ExtensorHallucisLongus | |
214301 | Extensor_Hallucis_Longus_Left | Left | LowerLimb | Leg | Anterior | ExtensorHallucisLongus | |
214302 | Extensor_Hallucis_Longus_Right | Right | LowerLimb | Leg | Anterior | ExtensorHallucisLongus | |
214400 | Fibularis_Tertius_Both | Both | LowerLimb | Leg | Anterior | FibularisTertius | |
214401 | Fibularis_Tertius_Left | Left | LowerLimb | Leg | Anterior | FibularisTertius | |
214402 | Fibularis_Tertius_Right | Right | LowerLimb | Leg | Anterior | FibularisTertius | |
220000 | Thigh_Both | Both | LowerLimb | Thigh | |||
220001 | Thigh_Left | Left | LowerLimb | Thigh | |||
220002 | Thigh_Right | Right | LowerLimb | Thigh | |||
221000 | Thigh_Posterior_Both | Both | LowerLimb | Thigh | Posterior | ||
221001 | Thigh_Posterior_Left | Left | LowerLimb | Thigh | Posterior | ||
221002 | Thigh_Posterior_Right | Right | LowerLimb | Thigh | Posterior | ||
221100 | Biceps_Femoris_Both | Both | LowerLimb | Thigh | Posterior | BicepsFemoris | |
221101 | Biceps_Femoris_Left | Left | LowerLimb | Thigh | Posterior | BicepsFemoris | |
221102 | Biceps_Femoris_Right | Right | LowerLimb | Thigh | Posterior | BicepsFemoris | |
221110 | Biceps_Femoris_Long_Head_Both | Both | LowerLimb | Thigh | Posterior | BicepsFemoris | BicepsFemorisLongHead |
221111 | Biceps_Femoris_Long_Head_Left | Left | LowerLimb | Thigh | Posterior | BicepsFemoris | BicepsFemorisLongHead |
221112 | Biceps_Femoris_Long_Head_Right | Right | LowerLimb | Thigh | Posterior | BicepsFemoris | BicepsFemorisLongHead |
221120 | Biceps_Femoris_Short_Head_Both | Both | LowerLimb | Thigh | Posterior | BicepsFemoris | BicepsFemorisShortHead |
221121 | Biceps_Femoris_Short_Head_Left | Left | LowerLimb | Thigh | Posterior | BicepsFemoris | BicepsFemorisShortHead |
221122 | Biceps_Femoris_Short_Head_Right | Right | LowerLimb | Thigh | Posterior | BicepsFemoris | BicepsFemorisShortHead |
221200 | Semimembranosus_Both | Both | LowerLimb | Thigh | Posterior | Semimembranosus | |
221201 | Semimembranosus_Left | Left | LowerLimb | Thigh | Posterior | Semimembranosus | |
221202 | Semimembranosus_Right | Right | LowerLimb | Thigh | Posterior | Semimembranosus | |
221300 | Semitendinosus_Both | Both | LowerLimb | Thigh | Posterior | Semitendinosus | |
221301 | Semitendinosus_Left | Left | LowerLimb | Thigh | Posterior | Semitendinosus | |
221302 | Semitendinosus_Right | Right | LowerLimb | Thigh | Posterior | Semitendinosus | |
222000 | Thigh_Medial_Both | Both | LowerLimb | Thigh | Medial | ||
222001 | Thigh_Medial_Left | Left | LowerLimb | Thigh | Medial | ||
222002 | Thigh_Medial_Right | Right | LowerLimb | Thigh | Medial | ||
222100 | Adductor_Magnus_Both | Both | LowerLimb | Thigh | Medial | AdductorMagnus | |
222101 | Adductor_Magnus_Left | Left | LowerLimb | Thigh | Medial | AdductorMagnus | |
222102 | Adductor_Magnus_Right | Right | LowerLimb | Thigh | Medial | AdductorMagnus | |
222200 | Adductor_Minimus_Both | Both | LowerLimb | Thigh | Medial | AdductorMinimus | |
222201 | Adductor_Minimus_Left | Left | LowerLimb | Thigh | Medial | AdductorMinimus | |
222202 | Adductor_Minimus_Right | Right | LowerLimb | Thigh | Medial | AdductorMinimus | |
222300 | Adductor_Longus_Both | Both | LowerLimb | Thigh | Medial | AdductorLongus | |
222301 | Adductor_Longus_Left | Left | LowerLimb | Thigh | Medial | AdductorLongus | |
222302 | Adductor_Longus_Right | Right | LowerLimb | Thigh | Medial | AdductorLongus | |
222400 | Adductor_Brevis_Both | Both | LowerLimb | Thigh | Medial | AdductorBrevis | |
222401 | Adductor_Brevis_Left | Left | LowerLimb | Thigh | Medial | AdductorBrevis | |
222402 | Adductor_Brevis_Right | Right | LowerLimb | Thigh | Medial | AdductorBrevis | |
222500 | Gracilis_Both | Both | LowerLimb | Thigh | Medial | Gracilis | |
222501 | Gracilis_Left | Left | LowerLimb | Thigh | Medial | Gracilis | |
222502 | Gracilis_Right | Right | LowerLimb | Thigh | Medial | Gracilis | |
223000 | Thigh_Anterior_Both | Both | LowerLimb | Thigh | Anterior | ||
223001 | Thigh_Anterior_Left | Left | LowerLimb | Thigh | Anterior | ||
223002 | Thigh_Anterior_Right | Right | LowerLimb | Thigh | Anterior | ||
223100 | Iliopsoas_Both | Both | LowerLimb | Thigh | Anterior | Iliopsoas | |
223101 | Iliopsoas_Left | Left | LowerLimb | Thigh | Anterior | Iliopsoas | |
223102 | Iliopsoas_Right | Right | LowerLimb | Thigh | Anterior | Iliopsoas | |
223110 | Iliacus_Both | Both | LowerLimb | Thigh | Anterior | Iliopsoas | Iliacus |
223111 | Iliacus_Left | Left | LowerLimb | Thigh | Anterior | Iliopsoas | Iliacus |
223112 | Iliacus_Right | Right | LowerLimb | Thigh | Anterior | Iliopsoas | Iliacus |
223120 | Psoas_Major_Both | Both | LowerLimb | Thigh | Anterior | Iliopsoas | PsoasMajor |
223121 | Psoas_Major_Left | Left | LowerLimb | Thigh | Anterior | Iliopsoas | PsoasMajor |
223122 | Psoas_Major_Right | Right | LowerLimb | Thigh | Anterior | Iliopsoas | PsoasMajor |
223200 | Quadriceps_Femoris_Both | Both | LowerLimb | Thigh | Anterior | QuadricepsFemoris | |
223201 | Quadriceps_Femoris_Left | Left | LowerLimb | Thigh | Anterior | QuadricepsFemoris | |
223202 | Quadriceps_Femoris_Right | Right | LowerLimb | Thigh | Anterior | QuadricepsFemoris | |
223210 | Vastus_Lateralis_Both | Both | LowerLimb | Thigh | Anterior | QuadricepsFemoris | VastusLateralis |
223211 | Vastus_Lateralis_Left | Left | LowerLimb | Thigh | Anterior | QuadricepsFemoris | VastusLateralis |
223212 | Vastus_Lateralis_Right | Right | LowerLimb | Thigh | Anterior | QuadricepsFemoris | VastusLateralis |
223220 | Vastus_Intermedius_Both | Both | LowerLimb | Thigh | Anterior | QuadricepsFemoris | VastusIntermedius |
223221 | Vastus_Intermedius_Left | Left | LowerLimb | Thigh | Anterior | QuadricepsFemoris | VastusIntermedius |
223222 | Vastus_Intermedius_Right | Right | LowerLimb | Thigh | Anterior | QuadricepsFemoris | VastusIntermedius |
223230 | Vastus_Medialis_Both | Both | LowerLimb | Thigh | Anterior | QuadricepsFemoris | VastusMedialis |
223231 | Vastus_Medialis_Left | Left | LowerLimb | Thigh | Anterior | QuadricepsFemoris | VastusMedialis |
223232 | Vastus_Medialis_Right | Right | LowerLimb | Thigh | Anterior | QuadricepsFemoris | VastusMedialis |
223240 | Rectus_Femoris_Both | Both | LowerLimb | Thigh | Anterior | QuadricepsFemoris | RectusFemoris |
223241 | Rectus_Femoris_Left | Left | LowerLimb | Thigh | Anterior | QuadricepsFemoris | RectusFemoris |
223242 | Rectus_Femoris_Right | Right | LowerLimb | Thigh | Anterior | QuadricepsFemoris | RectusFemoris |
223300 | Sartorius_Both | Both | LowerLimb | Thigh | Anterior | Sartorius | |
223301 | Sartorius_Left | Left | LowerLimb | Thigh | Anterior | Sartorius | |
223302 | Sartorius_Right | Right | LowerLimb | Thigh | Anterior | Sartorius | |
223400 | Pectineus_Both | Both | LowerLimb | Thigh | Anterior | Pectineus | |
223401 | Pectineus_Left | Left | LowerLimb | Thigh | Anterior | Pectineus | |
223402 | Pectineus_Right | Right | LowerLimb | Thigh | Anterior | Pectineus | |
230000 | Hip_Both | Both | LowerLimb | Hip | |||
230001 | Hip_Left | Left | LowerLimb | Hip | |||
230002 | Hip_Right | Right | LowerLimb | Hip | |||
231000 | Hip_Superficial_Both | Both | LowerLimb | Hip | Superficial | ||
231001 | Hip_Superficial_Left | Left | LowerLimb | Hip | Superficial | ||
231002 | Hip_Superficial_Right | Right | LowerLimb | Hip | Superficial | ||
231100 | Gluteus_Maximus_Both | Both | LowerLimb | Hip | Superficial | GluteusMaximus | |
231101 | Gluteus_Maximus_Left | Left | LowerLimb | Hip | Superficial | GluteusMaximus | |
231102 | Gluteus_Maximus_Right | Right | LowerLimb | Hip | Superficial | GluteusMaximus | |
231200 | Gluteus_Medius_Both | Both | LowerLimb | Hip | Superficial | GluteusMedius | |
231201 | Gluteus_Medius_Left | Left | LowerLimb | Hip | Superficial | GluteusMedius | |
231202 | Gluteus_Medius_Right | Right | LowerLimb | Hip | Superficial | GluteusMedius | |
231300 | Gluteus_Minimus_Both | Both | LowerLimb | Hip | Superficial | GluteusMinimus | |
231301 | Gluteus_Minimus_Left | Left | LowerLimb | Hip | Superficial | GluteusMinimus | |
231302 | Gluteus_Minimus_Right | Right | LowerLimb | Hip | Superficial | GluteusMinimus | |
231400 | Tensor_Fasciae_Latae_Both | Both | LowerLimb | Hip | Superficial | TensorFasciaeLatae | |
231401 | Tensor_Fasciae_Latae_Left | Left | LowerLimb | Hip | Superficial | TensorFasciaeLatae | |
231402 | Tensor_Fasciae_Latae_Right | Right | LowerLimb | Hip | Superficial | TensorFasciaeLatae | |
232000 | Hip_Deep_Both | Both | LowerLimb | Hip | Deep | ||
232001 | Hip_Deep_Left | Left | LowerLimb | Hip | Deep | ||
232002 | Hip_Deep_Right | Right | LowerLimb | Hip | Deep | ||
232100 | Gemelli_Both | Both | LowerLimb | Hip | Deep | Gemelli | |
232101 | Gemelli_Left | Left | LowerLimb | Hip | Deep | Gemelli | |
232102 | Gemelli_Right | Right | LowerLimb | Hip | Deep | Gemelli | |
232110 | Gemellus_Superior_Both | Both | LowerLimb | Hip | Deep | Gemelli | GemellusSuperior |
232111 | Gemellus_Superior_Left | Left | LowerLimb | Hip | Deep | Gemelli | GemellusSuperior |
232112 | Gemellus_Superior_Right | Right | LowerLimb | Hip | Deep | Gemelli | GemellusSuperior |
232120 | Gemellus_Inferior_Both | Both | LowerLimb | Hip | Deep | Gemelli | GemellusInferior |
232121 | Gemellus_Inferior_Left | Left | LowerLimb | Hip | Deep | Gemelli | GemellusInferior |
232122 | Gemellus_Inferior_Right | Right | LowerLimb | Hip | Deep | Gemelli | GemellusInferior |
232200 | Piriformis_Both | Both | LowerLimb | Hip | Deep | Piriformis | |
232201 | Piriformis_Left | Left | LowerLimb | Hip | Deep | Piriformis | |
232202 | Piriformis_Right | Right | LowerLimb | Hip | Deep | Piriformis | |
232300 | Obturator_Internus_Both | Both | LowerLimb | Hip | Deep | ObturatorInternus | |
232301 | Obturator_Internus_Left | Left | LowerLimb | Hip | Deep | ObturatorInternus | |
232302 | Obturator_Internus_Right | Right | LowerLimb | Hip | Deep | ObturatorInternus | |
232400 | Obturator_Externus_Both | Both | LowerLimb | Hip | Deep | ObturatorExternus | |
232401 | Obturator_Externus_Left | Left | LowerLimb | Hip | Deep | ObturatorExternus | |
232402 | Obturator_Externus_Right | Right | LowerLimb | Hip | Deep | ObturatorExternus | |
232500 | Quadratus_Femoris_Both | Both | LowerLimb | Hip | Deep | QuadratusFemoris | |
232501 | Quadratus_Femoris_Left | Left | LowerLimb | Hip | Deep | QuadratusFemoris | |
232502 | Quadratus_Femoris_Right | Right | LowerLimb | Hip | Deep | QuadratusFemoris |