Creates a EPG signal dictionary used for EPGT2fit. Every dictionary that is defined is cached. The output is in units as defined by the detlaTE, e.g. if detlaTE is in ms the output is in ms. The TR and TE should be in the same units as Dela. Output is {dictionary, vals}.
- The following options can be given:
DictB1Range {0.5, 1.4, 0.01} DictB1Range is an option for CreateT2Dictionary and EPGT2Fit. It specifies the range and step of the b1 values in the dictionary {min, max, step}. DictT2Range {10., 70., 0.2} DictT2Range is an option for CreateT2Dictionary and EPGT2Fit. is specifies the range and step of the t2 values in the dictionary {min, max, step} in ms. DictT2fRange {100., 200., 2.} DictT2fRange is an option for CreateT2Dictionary and EPGT2Fit. is specifies the range and step of the t2 fat values in the dictionary {min, max, step} in ms. If a single value is given this fixed value is used a long as EPGCalibrate is False. DictT2IncludeWater False DictT2IncludeWater is an options for EPGT2Fit. EPGFatShift 0. EPGFatShift is an options for EPGT2Fit. Specfies the amount of shift of the fat refocussing pulse relative to the fat exitation pulse. Can be obtained form GetPulseProfile. MonitorCalc True MonitorCalc is an option for many processing functions. When true the proceses of the calculation is shown.