fits the t2 based on Marty B et.al. Simultaneous muscle water t2 and fat fraction mapping using transverse relaxometry with stimulated echo compensation. Exitation and refocus are the RF pulse angles e.g. 90,180. They can also be a range of angeles over the slice profile as defined by GetSliceProfile. The output is in units as defined by the detlaTE, e.g. if detlaTE is in ms the output is in ms. The exitation and refocus are defined in Degrees. Output is {{{T2map,B1Map},{wat, fat, fatMap}, residual},callibration} or {{T2map,B1Map},{wat, fat, fatMap}, residual}.
is based on DOI: 10.1002/nbm.3459.
- The following options can be given:
EPGRelaxPars {1400., 365.} EPGRelaxPars is and option for EPGT2Fit. Needs to be {T1muscl, T1Fat, T2Fat} in ms, defaul is {1400,365,137} in ms. DictB1Range {0.5, 1.4, 0.02} DictB1Range is an option for CreateT2Dictionary and EPGT2Fit. It specifies the range and step of the b1 values in the dictionary {min, max, step}. DictT2Range {15., 45., 0.2} DictT2Range is an option for CreateT2Dictionary and EPGT2Fit. is specifies the range and step of the t2 values in the dictionary {min, max, step} in ms. EPGFitFat True EPGFitFat is an option for EPGT2Fit. EPGCalibrate False EPGCalibrate is an option for EPGT2Fit. If set to True it does autmatic callibration of the t2 fat relaxation time. DictT2fRange {120, 190., 2.5} DictT2fRange is an option for CreateT2Dictionary and EPGT2Fit. is specifies the range and step of the t2 fat values in the dictionary {min, max, step} in ms. If a single value is given this fixed value is used a long as EPGCalibrate is False. DictT2fValue 150. DictT2fValue is an option for EPGFit. EPGFitPoints 50 EPGFitPoints is a option for CalibrateEPGT2Fit and EPGT2Fit. Number of points is 200 by default. EPGMethod "dictionary" EPGMethod is an optionf for EPGT2Fit. Values can be "NLLS", "dictionary" or "dictionaryM". MonitorCalc True MonitorCalc is an option for many processing functions. When true the proceses of the calculation is shown. OutputCalibration False OutputCalibration is an option for EPGT2Fit and TriExponentialT2Fit. If true it outputs the calibartion values. EPGSmoothB1 True EPGSmoothB1 is an options for EPGT2Fit. If set to True the b1 map of the fit will be smoothed after which the minimization if perfomed again but with a fixed b1. WaterFatShift 0. WaterFatShift is an options for EPGT2Fit. It specifies the amount of water fat shift in voxels. WaterFatShiftDirection "left" WaterFatShiftDirection is an options for EPGT2Fit. It specifies the water fat shift direction: "left", "right", "up" and "down". EPGFatShift 0. EPGFatShift is an options for EPGT2Fit. Specfies the amount of shift of the fat refocussing pulse relative to the fat exitation pulse. Can be obtained form GetPulseProfile. DictT2IncludeWater False DictT2IncludeWater is an options for EPGT2Fit. EPGMethodCal "2comp" EPGMethodCal is an option for CalibrateEPGT2Fit and EPGT2Fit. The calibration can be done using "1comp", "2comp", "2compF".